Alone and homeless, Ivy finds a safe home in her final days

For most of her life, Ivy was a stay-at-home mum so when her marriage fell apart, she had no superannuation or job skills to rely on.
Ivy spent 20 years anxious, afraid and alone sleeping in the tunnel of a train station. Sadly, Ivy’s story of hardship is not unique.
Approaching her 80th birthday, Ivy suffered a serious bout of pneumonia which led to her hospitalisation. The hospital staff referred Ivy to Charles Chambers Court, one of Mission Australia’s residential aged-care facilities, providing vulnerable older people with a safe and caring environment.
At Charles Chamber Court, Ivy gradually settled into a haven where she received regular, nutritious meals, hot showers, her own toilet, a warm bed and 24-hour medical care.
In the remaining years of her life, Ivy was able to experience warmth and support, becoming a much-loved part of our community.
*Names have been changed to protect the privacy of the people we help.