CCA 2013 Federal Budget Submission


This submission outlines eight measures the Community Council for Australia (CCA) believes will significantly strengthen Australia’s not-for-profit (NFP) sector and drive real economic savings for government over the coming financial year and beyond.  It has been prepared through consultation with the membership of the CCA (see Attachment 1 for a listing of CCA members) and key organisations in the NFP sector. It also draws on recommendations from previous CCA submissions.

It is important to note that this submission does not override the policy positions outlined in any individual budget submissions from our members. 

Following a brief background to CCA, the eight key proposals are briefly outlined. Also included is an overview of the current issues for the NFP sector; some more detailed information about the proposals including likely costs; a budget projection; and a summarising conclusion.

CCA recognises the need for fiscal restraint in response to changing economic circumstances, but also believes there are very significant savings to be made through more effective and efficient government engagement with the NFP sector.  If Australia is going to achieve more community ownership of local issues and a sustainable and robust NFP sector, there needs to be a genuine commitment from government and other key stakeholders.

The projected total expenditure over three years for implementation of all measures outlined in this budget submission is approximately $20 million.  Given the size and importance of the NFP sector in Australia and the very real economic and social benefits that would flow from these measures, this investment is minimal.

CCA welcomes this opportunity to provide input into the Federal Budget process and to engage in detailed discussion about any issues raised in this submission.  


Download the full submission below