
CCA provides media commentary on issues important to charities and NFPs and CCA CEO David Crosbie writes fortnightly in Pro Bono News on sector issues. We keep our member CEOs and senior staff up to date via CCA's Daily Diary - a frank daily analysis of the national context, issues and news of interest to charity leaders (all in a two-minute read). Charity leaders who would like to know more, please contact our Partnerships Manager, Deborah Smith,

The Community Council for Australia has called on all Australian governments to look beyond short-term business stimulus and ensure the biggest industry employer in Australia, the charities sector, can maintain their staff through this period of economic uncertainty.

CCA Chair Rev Tim Costello pointed out today; ‘Charities employ more than 1.3 million Australians. That is more than the retail sector, more than agriculture, mining, or any other industry.  Charities need certainty if they are to maintain their staff. Governments could help with that certainty by guaranteeing not to cut funding for the next 12 months. A 12-month moratorium on funding cuts would provide increased certainty for charities and boost employment.’

Today the Government has wasted another opportunity to reform Australia’s outdated fundraising laws when it has given its long awaited response to the review of the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (Report of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Legislation Review 2018).

The Community Council for Australia has welcomed the government response to the review of the charity regulator – the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission. CCA Chair Tim Costello said, ‘We are pleased to see the government acknowledge the vital role played by charities in Australia, reaffirm its commitment to appropriate regulation, and accept most of the recommendations of the independent review panel.  We are concerned that a number of critical recommendations have not been accepted, particularly in relation to fundraising regulations.’

I think it is important to start any discussion about coronavirus with a little perspective.

Each year in Australia, influenza kills on average 3,500 people. The best predictor of who is susceptible is age – 3,000 of these deaths are people aged over 50. Death rates for influenza in Australia are below 0.2 per cent of people who contract the disease. Estimates suggest close to half a million people die each year from influenza worldwide. 

As Community Council for Australia begins the work of developing a charities sector blueprint, the issue of how innovation is applied within the charities sector is one of the critical considerations, writes CCA CEO David Crosbie in Pro Bono News, 20 February 2020.

Business as usual is no longer going to be enough for governments, neither will it be for charities. If we hope to grow in strength and effectiveness we will need to support collective action for change, writes CCA CEO David Crosbie in Pro Bono News, 6 February 2020.

CCA's Submission to the Federal Budget outlines nine measures the Community Council for Australia (CCA) believes will significantly strengthen Australia’s not-for-profit (NFP) sector and drive real economic savings for government over the coming financial year and beyond. 

With recent events shaking our faith in the way we live our lives, charities across Australia must rise to the challenge of rebuilding our communities and use what has happened to fuel our determination not to accept the unacceptable, writes CCA CEO, David Crosbie in Pro Bono News, 23 January 2020.

In 2019, the art of disagreeing without personal vitriol and shallow gotcha point scoring was drowned in a sea of conflict driven, click bait informed, hyper partisan messaging ... Surely, we are better than this? CCA CEO David Crosbie reflects on 2019.

Charities do not need to be more corporate - corporates need to be more charitable. We need a charity person on every corporate board - much more than we need corporates on charitable boards, writes CCA CEO David Crosbie in Pro Bono News, 5 December 2019.