Charities need to be independent, but that does not mean they should be cut adrift by government to fend on their own, writes CCA CEO David Crosbie, in Pro Bono News.
Surely charities can do better than accept assumption-ridden superficial measures developed by unknown economists from outside of the sector, writes Community Council for Australia CEO David Crosbie as the ACNC considers measures for Object 1 b of the ACNC Act. Pro Bono News, 17 January 2019.
Sometimes it takes dark times to see bright stars, writes Community Council for Australia CEO David Crosbie, who reflects on 2018 and says he is looking forward to seeing more bright stars shine across the charity sector next year. Pro Bono News, 20 December, 2018.
If I could have anything, I would like to see a more compassionate Australia in 2019, writes CCA CEO David Crosbie in Pro Bono News.
Neither the market nor the state alone can re-thread our social fabric, rebuild democracy and respond to a rapidly changing age. Charities must be at the heart of it. We must drive change or accept our future irrelevance writes CCA CEO David Crosbie in Pro Bono News, 22 November 2018
The Community Council for Australia (CCA) was very concerned about how the original Electoral Reform Bill (2017) would impact thousands of charities who would have faced quite complicated new administrative requirements and restrictions if they chose to make any public statements advocating for their cause or their community.
The chilling impact of the new requirements and restrictions would have significantly diminished the public voice of charities in Australia.
Hyper-partisan politics is ramping up the pressure on charities. Giving in may provide some short-term wins, but sacrificing independence and authenticity will extract a higher price in the longer term writes CCA CEO David Crosbie in Pro Bono News, 8 November 2018.
The ACNC is NOT a marketplace. All the research shows giving to a charity does not involve the same decision-making processes that we might use when purchasing a new toaster or flat screen TV. Charities are not a commodity, CCA CEO David Crosbie writes in Pro Bono News, 25 October 2018
Everyday across Australia charities take a stand for truth. In thousands of ways, big and small, they work to undermine bigotry, ignorance, oppression and fear. This work has never been more important writes CCA CEO David Crosbie in Pro Bono News.
As long as the richest and most powerful have the greatest influence over national policy, the interests of our communities will be poorly reflected in many areas of national policy making. This week’s Grattan report on access and influence in Australian politics’ highlights many issues. Most importantly, its recommendations are a great starting point for the reforms to national policy making that Australia desperately needs , writes CCA CEO David Crosbie in Pro Bono News, 27 September 2018.