
CCA provides media commentary on issues important to charities and NFPs and CCA CEO David Crosbie writes fortnightly in Pro Bono News on sector issues. We keep our member CEOs and senior staff up to date via CCA's Daily Diary - a frank daily analysis of the national context, issues and news of interest to charity leaders (all in a two-minute read). Charity leaders who would like to know more, please contact our Partnerships Manager, Deborah Smith,

As public policy increasingly backs the pursuit of individualism over the strength of our communities, we desperately need to promote empathy. We need to get more people standing in each other’s shoes writes CCA CEO David Crosbie in Pro Bono News, 1 August 2019.

Charities are too important to be relegated to the bottom of the government priorities pile, writes CCA CEO David Crosbie in Pro Bono News, 17 July 2019 - reflecting on Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s first major public speech as head of the newly-elected government.

The Australian government has put its toe in the water of impact investing but we’re falling behind countries like the UK and Canada where governments have made significant investments to support the market, writes CCA CEO David Crosbie in Pro Bono News, 20 June 2019.

Launched on 12 June 2019, this report shares the learning and recommendations from CCA's series of CEO forums on impact investing run with the support of Life Without Barriers and partners including Social Ventures Australia, Social Outcomes, Koda Capital and NAB.  It provides 12 recommendations for not-for-profit organisations and identifies seven areas where government should act to support capacity development and growth in the impact invesment ecosystem.

How good is New Zealand’s Budget? asks CCA CEO David Crosbie as NZ leads the way on looking beyond economic measures to focus more on measures that reflect the reality of people's lives.

The election provides all charities with a challenge – how do we make our values more relevant and significant in contemporary Australia? Supporting broader collaboration is a place to start, writes  CCA CEO David Crosbie in Pro Bono News, 23 May 2019. 

The Community Council for Australia has commended the Morrison Government on their re-election, welcomed their commitment to fundraising reform, and called for more certainty and support across the charities sector.

The importance of enacting human values seems to have slipped off our public policy agenda, except where it can be shown to provide an economic benefit, writes CCA CEO David Crosbie in Pro Bono News, 9 May 2019.

‘It is great to see a potential incoming government announcing policies that will improve the capacity of charities to serve their communities,’ according to David Crosbie CEO of the charity peak body the Community Council for Australia (CCA).

A new national report has revealed that in many fundamental areas of life, Australia is heading in the wrong direction. 

According to David Crosbie (CEO of CCA); ‘We need to look beyond economic indicators and start focusing on the values that make Australia a great place to live.  We are all much more than passengers in an economy.  We are part of families, workplaces and communities.  Within our communities we want to live lives that are worthwhile and enact values we believe in.  This report highlights how far Australia is slipping in achieving some very important values.  It should be a wakeup call for all of us.’